Slow and Steady

Welcome to February,

I hope this finds you well as we officially greet the second month of the new year. While this month is the shortest month of the year it’s also a time of big shifts as it moves us from the final full month of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere into the quickening and the preview of the next season. One of my favorite things about this month is that we can choose to focus on the themes of the winter season while simultaneously enjoying signs of new life popping up around us all month long. You may find crocus and snow drop peeking out of the snow this month reminding you to keep going one step at a time. These tiny but mighty little flowers over winter and then work diligently to bloom this month often in the snow adding a little color and hope for all of us to keep going, reminding us that change is coming soon.

One of the strong themes that I’ve been hearing from people is that they feel a bit exhausted or that they’re having trouble keeping momentum. Maybe you’re experiencing this too; the feeling of one step forward one step back. Maybe you’re experiencing some big swings in your energy levels or even some issues with your sleeping schedule. If these themes are hitting home for you, you’re not alone. The beginning of this year has proven to be really intense and almost like riding a roller coaster ride that just keeps going. In addition to the new year shifts, we’re being guided to continue to focus on themes like self care, slowing down, rest, comfort, and gentility. Even though we’re experiencing longer days, we’re still overwintering which means we’re still needing extra care, comfort, and quiet. Sometimes, we need a little reset to help us get back to a space where we can truly rest and almost remember how to take good care of ourselves if we’ve experienced a great deal of stress. The good news is that seemingly small shifts really do lead to big change.

February is a wonderful month to invest in a reset and a conscious overwintering practice. As the teeniest month of the year, it feels like it’s more manageable somehow to focus on a practice that will support you this month and hopefully all year long. Sometimes, what we need personally for self care and respite looks similar to others in our lives, sometimes it doesn’t. Taking a little time today, even a few minutes to get clear about what you need will help you to better understand how to cultivate your overwintering practice this month. There’s no one way to do this, just the way that resonates for you. You may know right away without even skipping a beat what it is that you need, great, you’re on your way. You may feel there are a few things that you want to focus on to support yourself in getting back to a place where you feel like you; great, you’re on your way. Maybe you aren’t sure what you need but you know something needs to shift, great, you’re on your way. You get to decide what it is that you want to nurture and how to take good care of yourself this month; and whatever you decide will be the right choice.

Sometimes, setting aside 15 minutes a day to do something for yourself can make a huge impact in the way that you feel. When you think about taking care of someone, you can probably imagine one person receiving and another person or group offering support. When you’re focused on taking good care of yourself, sometimes you are the person taking care and receiving care at the same time. Every act of care is an investment in your overall energy stores and sense of peace and comfort. Maybe making and enjoying a cup of tea without scrolling or listening to the news or answering emails is one way you can truly take good care of yourself for a few minutes during the day. Maybe getting outside into sunshine for a walk or bundled up on your patio or porch for a little while will help to soothe and support you. Maybe making sleep a priority is what you’re being guided to focus on this month. Maybe you’re being guided to eat nourishing simple foods this month to support your system and keep yourself warm with soups and stews. Maybe you’re being guided to take good care of your nervous system right now by reducing or removing things that are overstimulating or overwhelming to the best of your ability and enjoying quiet or gentle sounds. Maybe you’re being guided to stay in the moment and enjoy the season that you’re in right now knowing that you’ll be in a new season soon. Maybe you’re being guided to cultivate your own personal recipe of overwintering this month that resonates just for you; perfect that is exactly what we’re all being guided to do. Investing in 1 thing per day even for the time it takes to make and enjoy a cup of tea is 100% supporting you in this important work of self care and building up your stores during the winter season.

One of the reasons you may feel like you need more rest or that you aren’t finding your energy to be consistent is that we’re still in a season of rest and refueling. Every time you have an opportunity to slow down or to take a moment for yourself, you’re investing in your energy stores. While we’re living in a time where we work pretty much around the clock, we still need to rest and on a deep level our soul and our bodies know that winter is a season of rest. You can invest in your rest while also getting the things on your to do list checked off. This month is the final full month of winter, give yourself permission to lean into all the things that make you think of winter. Choose to overwinter like the natural world around us. You and I are part of this cycle too, and sometimes we have to remind ourselves of this truth. When you think of winter and what winter means for you, you can find gems of what you’re personally being guided to focus on this month.

So, this month, during the shortest month of the whole year, maybe you can choose to invest in something each day that supports and uplifts you even if only for a seemingly small amount of time. I promise you that you’re worth it and that it will add up to big change. Just focus on one thing at a time and go at your own pace. Slow and steady is a beautiful theme for this month and for this reset that we’re all being guided to experience together. If you would like to work with me this month to gain some clarity about how you can personally make the most of this theme, I would love to support you. If there’s something else you would like to focus on, I would love to support you in any way that I can.

I’m wishing you a slow and gentle February, filled with kind people and things that rise up to greet you and comfort you. As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!

With love and gratitude,

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January: A Gentle Reset and Time For...

Hello and Happy New Year!
I hope this finds you well as we officially move into a new year and a brand new energy for 2025. I hope you and yours had a restful holiday season and that your new year is off to a good start.

One of the big themes that shows up for this time of year is a message about getting going and moving full speed ahead. I’m sure you’re already being inundated with these messages in emails, commercials, and other ad spaces. While a new year is a wonderful marker for a new beginning and a fresh start there’s also this additional energy happening right now that you’re probably experiencing too which is called holiday let down. (In the Northern Hemisphere we’re also experiencing the beginning of the Winter season as well which is all about rest and healing.) This combination of energies and themes can create a bit of a wobble in the way we feel. If you’re feeling a bit of this wobble or a mix of energies, you’re not alone. If you find yourself excited about the new energy for 2025 but your body wants to take it easy and you’re still decompressing from holiday stress, there’s no need to feel guilty or like something isn’t lining up for you. In fact, you’re right where you’re meant to be and you’re completely connected to the energies that are happening right now. It’s a bit of a mixed bag which is okay and actually it’s more than okay. You can capitalize on this mixed bag by leaning into how you’re feeling from day to day or even hour to hour to maximize your success right now. Yes, maximize your success.

January is a wonderful time for reflection and gaining insight into what you may want to focus on this year. It’s also a time where your body is letting you know what it needs too. Sometimes, we can get focused on one thing over another and then it can get things out of balance or lead to burn out. However, this is a time where all these systems are very prescient allowing you to have a clear understanding of how to prioritize your physical well being while also honoring the things you would like to experience, release, complete, create, grow, or continue to nurture during 2025. This experience can support you in gently moving into this new year while also finding your natural rhythm at the same time. As you move (to the best of your ability) at the rate that’s right for you, you’ll more naturally know or gain clarity about what you’re being guided to focus upon this year. There’s no need to push or to rush, as you already know what you’re being guided to do. Allowing yourself to move at your own pace, you’ll find that you’re ready to go again…when you’re ready to go again.
(I know, but it's true.) This is where the blessing of leaning into the way you’re feeling at any particular time can really support you in the present while also helping to plant seeds and even action steps that will yield results throughout the year. There’s no right way to do this, there’s only the ways that are right for you right now. You may feel guided to journal or make a list. Maybe you will want to look over the things you accomplished last year to help you gain confidence and clarity about this year. Maybe you will feel guided to do some meditation around these issues or reach out for some support. Maybe you’re going to tune into how you’re feeling and make choices based on what you’re experiencing right now. Maybe you will find that a combination of these tools will work for you…or something else completely. It’s not about what you do it’s about doing something that works for you.

Maybe you can think of this time as an opportunity for a gentle reintegration into your new year. A gentle reset and an opportunity to really connect with what you want and even need at this time. After a season of festivities and goings on, maybe one of the things that you need is quiet, gentle, respite. Cozy socks, warm mugs with tea, quiet mornings or evenings where you can spend a few moments just letting yourself be. January gives us this gift; it’s almost baked right in as a time for reflection and rest. Often, we pass it by for one reason or another. Maybe, this year you can allow yourself to receive this gift and its blessings even if it’s only for a few minutes here and there throughout your day. Remember that every little bit of self care adds up to big change over time. Taking a few moments here and there to honor yourself is a worthy investment and will make a positive impact on how you feel and will support you in many ways going forward. As you give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself this month, you’ll find that you’re ready to move forward in a way that’s right for you, at the time that’s right for you too.

I’m wishing you a gentle and supportive January and a beautiful new year. I look forward to working with you and supporting you throughout this new year. Thank you so much for being here, I’m so grateful to be able to connect with you. I know that you’re very busy and it means a lot to me that you take time out of your very busy schedule to connect with me and share your life with me.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Recalibrating and Realigning: Remaining Calm In the Storm

Hello and Happy May,
I hope this finds you well as we welcome a new month. Are you feeling the need to stop and remember to breathe as often as I am? The energy has been moving and shifting so much since we last connected and I wanted to share some messages of support with you as we move through these big shifts together. If you’ve been feeling like there’s been a combination of life experiences, life lessons, changes, unexpected shifts, energies, and increased sensitivity happening for you; you’re not alone. If you pair these experiences with the information we see on the news, it can be a lot for anyone to take in, especially for a highly sensitive soul like yourself. You may feel like you’ve been taking one step forward and one step back. I want to gently remind you to take a moment and breathe…scan your body for any tension or tightness that may be holding space within you and let it go. Just for this moment, let yourself breathe and release anything that’s holding space within you….good. It’s important to take these small moments throughout the day to breathe and reset. You don’t have to take a lot of time out of your day to do this, but it does help and it’s very important. Even taking one or two minutes a couple times a day can help to clear out stress, tension, and tightness from your body and mind.

Like you, I’m moving through these big shifts too. When I asked for some messages about this, the biggest theme that came through was about pulling our energy inward and focusing on the basics. As we move through our day to day life, our energy is spread out here and there as we do all the things on our lists. You may notice that as you move through your day, you feel your energy dwindle and you may even feel exhausted by late afternoon. Sometimes, this can lead highly sensitive people to feel like they aren’t trying hard enough to get things done or that they don’t measure up to their colleagues and tend to push themselves even harder. This overextending can increase these experiences of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and tense. By shifting a few things, we can support ourselves in feeling better while also managing the changing energies and big life changes too. (without overextending)

One of the biggest themes that came through about the importance of getting back to basics was about taking good care of our body. You may be receiving this message right now too. This may show up in different ways for different people. Some people may feel guided to start or return to an exercise routine that they used to enjoy. Some people may feel like their body wants to eat and drink gentler foods and beverages. Some people may be guided to increase peace in their lives right now and feel guided to say no to certain invitations or demands on their time. Some people may be receiving guidance about starting or returning to a meditation practice. Some people may be receiving messages about many or all of these things as they are all very prescient right now. Maybe you’re receiving messages about something different but also something that honors your overall wellbeing.

Focusing on taking good care of ourselves so that we can maximize calm, comfort, and focus is the big take away right now. By taking care of the basics, we allow ourselves to move throughout our days in ways that better support and honor our wellbeing which allows us to take better care of the people and callings in our world as well. You can think of the example of being the calm inside the storm. As you honor the messages you’re personally receiving about how to take good care of yourself, you’ll be able to anchor more calm, clarity, and comfort within you and around you. It’s similar to increasing strength or building muscle memory. In the beginning it’s a conscious choice but after a while you’ll find that you’re integrating these positive changes and that the people around you are benefiting from your calm and your focus too.

Sometimes people get nervous about shifting their priorities to taking good care of themselves first as it may not feel natural to them and it may make other people in their lives uncomfortable. This is a real issue and it may feel like an adjustment at first, but taking care of yourself allows you to increase your strength, focus, and ability to do the things that you enjoy without depleting yourself in the process. You may also find that you inspire the people around you to make some changes and to focus on how they can take better care of themselves as well. If there are people who try to discourage you from taking care of yourself, you may want to take a little break from spending time with them if possible. If these people live with you, you may want to reach out for some extra support to help you move through this situation so you can increase healthy boundaries and communication.

Even seemingly small steps lead to big changes when we focus on taking care of ourselves. Investing time in taking care of yourself right now will continue to yield positive results for you going forward. Some of the additional benefits you’ll receive from this process includes but isn’t limited to: increased self confidence, increased self love, and increased self awareness. You may also find that you’re more grounded and focused throughout your day and can more easily move with the changes that are happening. You may also find that you strengthen your ability to hear, see, feel, and know the messages that are showing up for you. Overall, a win-win. No matter where you are right now, you can start by remembering to breathe. Taking a moment to breathe and reset is always beneficial and you can do this practice anywhere and at any time. With the changing world we’re living in right now, focusing on the basics is a powerful way to navigate our lives in a healthy way while also being prepared for the changes that are happening all around us.

I would love to support you during a session if you feel guided to work with me.
I’m wishing you and yours a very happy new month and a very Happy Mother’s Day if you’re celebrating this year.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Reaching for Peace

I hope this finds you well as we officially move into the final month of the year. If you celebrated Thanksgiving last week, I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and are recovering from all the yummy food and festivities.

As we move into December, we move full swing into the holiday season and can feel the tempo of the energy increasing as we move toward the end of the year. This time of year brings up all kinds of things for us no matter where we are or how old we are. This time of year can activate old memories, nostalgia, excitement, and an opportunity to participate in favorite activities that mark this season for you or to create or cultivate new traditions that you enjoy. It’s also a time that can feel like it takes on a rhythm all its own and sometimes it can feel like the season is moving too quickly or that you aren’t able to be fully present in the way you want. This experience is universal, it’s not a message that you aren’t doing something right or that you aren’t trying hard enough to hold onto the holiday season; it’s part and parcel of this movement toward the end of the year.

In addition to the holiday season we’re also wrapping up the remainder of the Autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere and moving into Winter on December 21st. There are so many things happening this month and we get to move through these shifts and changes all while honoring the season in the ways that are right for us. One of the ways you can capitalize on the gentility and quiet spaces between all the things happening this season is by reaching for peace. This is something that will be personal to you and allows you to reach for peace in the ways that resonate for you. For some, it may mean saying yes to the aspects of the season that bring the most joy and fulfillment. For others it may mean saying no to too many requests for time away from home. It may mean embracing the simple and significant moments that are meaningful for you and yours. It may be sitting in front of the fire with a cup of cider or caroling or ________________. It could be preparing a favorite holiday dish or simply enjoying the sparkling lights that are popping up all over houses, streets, and trees each day. There’s no one way or right way to reach for peace this season. There are only the ways that are right for you and yours. In fact, you may find that one day you choose something that feels right and another day something else is the exact right choice. It’s about finding the right balance between saying yes to the activities that are right for you while also saying no to the ones that aren’t a fit this year. I promise, you’ll know which ones are a yes and which ones are a no. Just check in with yourself and you’ll receive a clear message. By checking in with yourself throughout December, you’ll find that you automatically experience more peace and presence; and you may find that you feel more connected to the holiday season at the same time.

As we turn the final page on the calendar this year, it’s also natural to take a little time to reflect on all that you’ve experienced during 2023. This review process may have already started for you, maybe you’re already looking over the things you’ve done, how you’ve shifted, and the things you’re bringing with you into the new year. This is a good time to allow yourself to gently review your year while also letting yourself move through this process in the ways that feel right for you. Maybe you keep a journal and you feel guided to read through it to reflect on your year. Maybe you made a vision board this year and you feel guided to look over it and see what you experienced and what is still being created and still in progress. Maybe you keep a photo journal and feel guided to scroll through your life in pictures or video to reflect on your year. Taking a little time to move through this process and to glean any takeaways from the themes you experienced this year can be very supportive. Like most things this season, there’s no need to push or force this process, rather move through it in the ways that feel right for you.

While there are lots of things happening this month, here we are at the very beginning which allows you to choose how you want to move through this holiday season and the last month of 2023. I invite you to take a little time today or tomorrow to check in with yourself about how you want to celebrate December. Leaning into the season in the ways that resonate for you will allow you to experience more presence and more peace. Moving at your own pace will allow you to make the most of this time and yes, you’re worth it.

I’m wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy holiday season and a happy new year!

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
Thank you for sharing your year with me.
With love and deepest gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Cultivating a Sacred Space

I hope this finds you well as we welcome, October.
Just like the quote above, I’m also glad that I live in a world where there are October’s. This month is full of change and tends to kick off the Autumn festivities (in the Northern Hemisphere) while also beginning the season of pulling our energy inward. This month creates a beautiful dance between celebrating the Autumn season and the call to bring our attention into that quiet space within.

You may have some things on your to do list that are quintessentially representative of October. Maybe you like to go apple picking, or to your local pumpkin patch. Maybe you like to photograph the colors of the leaves as they change this month. Maybe you like to host an Autumn hot cider porch party to mark the season or something else entirely that feels like October to you. In any ways that you mark this season, this month offers us a lot of opportunities to really integrate into the new season and to see the changes happening all around us.

You may notice that as the leaves are changing outside, you feel changes happening within you too. As we’re guided to spend more time indoors with the days getting shorter and the evenings getting cooler; you may find yourself releasing things that are no longer serving you. An increase in quiet time often allows us to hear the messages and guidance we’re receiving about changes we’re being guided to make within our own lives. You may find that you’re guided to invest in more rest, self care, and even creative outlets that have been on the back burner for you. You may also be guided to find ways to create more gentle and soothing spaces within your home. All of these things are supportive and nurturing for you and can help you to care and comfort yourself and the people and pets in your home.

Light is often a big topic during this month as the beautiful golden light is so prevalent throughout October. Many people intuitively cultivate this golden light within their homes as well. You may notice that you pull out warm lighting whether with twinkle lights, candles, or even by lighting your fireplace. There is a deep calling for us to cultivate sacred spaces within our homes, and that call is often increased during this time of year. You may already be answering that call naturally without even thinking about it. Creating a space or spaces that feel calming, cozy, and comforting allows for you and those in your home to truly let down and to decompress while also being supported at the same time. Sometimes, the simplest shifts like a small table next to a chair can be an invitation to enjoy a good book or a great place to journal. Bringing out some soft throw blankets, coloring books, a knitting basket, or that pile of books that you’ve been meaning to read and placing them in arms reach can help to cultivate spaces that are supportive and calming. These are subtle additions to a space that won’t take up a lot of room but will bring so much to you and to your home. These are simple but effective ways that we can cultivate and invest in sacred spaces within our homes and within our daily lives.

People often mention to me that they experience more messages, guidance, or connection from their angels, guides, or departed loved ones during this month. (You may notice this too.) Some people ask why I think this may be; and I think there are several reasons for this experience. I do find the veil to be quite thin during this month which can increase our connections with our spiritual support team and departed loved ones. I also find that as we become quiet and begin to focus inward, we more easily hear or experience the connection that’s happening within and around us. The more that we take care of ourselves and clear away the things that are no longer serving us, we also clear the decks so to speak and find it easier to notice the messages that are coming through for us throughout the day. All of these aspects contribute to an increased connection for us which is why I think people tend to experience more messages or connection during the month of October. By cultivating a space that feels supportive for you this season you also intuitively create space for you to increase your own personal connections. You may notice that you see repeating angel numbers like 222, 444, or 11:11 more frequently. You may find feathers, coins, hear meaningful songs, or see images of angels. You may interact with people who have the same name as a departed loved one, or even experience dreams about your departed loved one. If you want to increase these kinds of connections, you can ask to experience them and then when you do, simply notice them and say thank you. You’re not alone, and when we can clear away some of the excess noise from our busy and modern lives, we can more easily hear, see, feel, know, and experience the connections that are happening all around and within us.

I’m wishing you a beautiful and magical month filled with things, people, and experiences that feel uplifting and supportive for you. I’d love to hear how you’re cultivating your sacred spaces this month. I’m looking forward to adding warm lighting to my home, baking bread, and making lots of soup, stew, chili, and all the things in my little Dutch oven, plus lots of knitting.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you!
With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Mercury Retrograde Bath Recipe

Mercury Retrograde Bath Recipe

1 cup Epsom or Sea Salt
1/2 cup Baking Soda
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
Chamomile, Lavender, or Rose tea (your choice)

Fill bath with warm water (to your preference)
Add Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar
If using bagged tea, you can free float the tea in your bath water.
If using loose leaf tea, you can float a tea ball or allow it to free float in the bath water.

Soak in bath for at least 20 minutes.
The salt, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and tea will help to soothe, calm, and clear you while supporting an overall sense of ease and relaxation.

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Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

3-5 slices of grapefruit
2 large sprigs or rosemary
3-5 lavender sprigs and flowers

Fill large stock pot with water, add grapefruit, rosemary, and lavender.
Bring to a simmer and allow it to slowly simmer and infuse your home.

Keep an eye on the simmer pot as the water will evaporate over time.
Turn off the stove and simmer pot if you’re going to leave your home.

This blend will brighten up the energy in your home while also clearing and calming you and those in your home. The citrus is bright and uplifting while the lavender is calming and the rosemary helps to clear low or dense energy.

This is a great blend to enjoy during this retrograde season.

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New Month, New Season, New Cycle

October Anne of Green Gables (2019_01_30 23_54_58 UTC).jpg

Happy October!

A new month and a new season is upon us and if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere, October may bring to mind all kinds of cozy and comforting energies and memories. While it’s still hot in my little corner of the world, I know that eventually it will start cooling down and all the comforts of the new season will make themselves known.

This is a great time to invest some energy into making your home feel calm, comfortable, and cozy. We’re moving into a time of slowing down, shorter days, and longer evenings. Naturally, there’s a call for us to rest more, to spend more time at home, and to care for ourselves in a gentle way. Maybe you’ve already begun this process, and if you have, you’re already tapping into this new energy.

Seemingly simple shifts can make a big impact on the way you feel and they way you organically move into this new season. You may notice that by making some of these changes, you’ll feel the tone of your home begin to change. You may even notice that the people who live with you, including fur babies respond to this subtle but palpable shift.  Some of these shifts can include pulling out your big duvet cover and the flannel sheets. Maybe you’re already in the process of streamlining your closet and letting go of things that are done and bringing warmer layers into the forefront so they’re easy to find. Maybe you’re putting your gardens to bed for the season and finishing up the last of your canning and preserving and thinking more about baking.

There are so many ways to honor this shift we’re moving through right now and the most important way to experience this shift is in the ways that resonate for you and your home. Only you know what feels like the right fit for you. Maybe you like to incorporate something that was done in your home when you were a child and maybe you’ve found your own recipe for moving into a new season that you love to replicate each year. Maybe it’s a combination of both, a little something old, and some things you’ve curated over time. Maybe this season you’re going to create something brand new that feels like it’s the right choice right now.

Sometimes people tell me that they get nervous that they didn’t do ____________ or ___________ on a particular day or feel they’re running behind on what they feel they should be doing. If any of these feelings show up for you, please take a breath, and know that you’re not alone. This is definitely not something that you have to accomplish all in one day or by a certain calendar date. This is something that is meant to be supportive and comforting for you. You get to decide what that looks like and when it happens. Please give yourself permission to go at your own pace and ask people for help if you could use some support. There’s also no exam, grade, or feedback that will be held over you during this process. Many highly sensitive souls (like yourself) often feel an underlying level of pressure or anxiousness about making sure everything is right, correct, and on point. This natural shift and the way that you choose to mark it is meant to be fun, uplifting, and gentle. Yes, gentle.

You may want to take a little walk through your home to tune in to what you would like to feel, see, hear, and connect with this season. This can be a powerful way to anchor your vision into your home.

You may want to ask yourself:

What does October make me think about?

What makes me feel like it’s October?

What kinds of things do I like to eat and drink during October?

What colors, images, and textures resonate for me when I think about October?

What kinds of activities do I like to do throughout October?

What kinds of sounds resonate for me during October?

What kinds of themes or areas of growth do I want to focus on throughout October?

In what ways do I like to connect with my spiritual self during October?

Your answers to these questions can really help support you in cultivating a month and a space that rises up to greet you as we move into this new energy and season together. These questions will probably spark some other ideas, inspirations, and memories for you too! I’d love to hear how you make this month speak to you.

In addition to the physical shifts you feel guided to make in your home, this is often a powerful time to connect to your spiritual self. It’s not a surprise to me that as we tend to get quieter and spend more time indoors we also increase our ability to connect, hear, and recognize more easily the messages, synchronicities, and divine downloads that are being given to us. Maybe you’ll integrate some meditation, prayer work, or other aspects of your spiritual life to your days throughout October.

I’m wishing you a beautiful month, filled with the things, people, and experiences that will resonate with you and bring you a deep sense of comfort, peace, and happiness. For me, that means making all the things. You’ll find me spending my free time baking, cooking, and making lots of diy’s while adding cozy blankets, throw pillows, and spicy oils into my diffusers.

I’m sending you so much love and gratitude from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

All my love,


P.S. Thank you so much for the gratitude gifts and for being here with me, I am so grateful to be here with you!

P.P.S. You may know that we’re officially into Mercury Retrograde right now. Breathe, this is not a “bad luck” thing but it is an opportunity to review things, to move mindfully, and to prepare for things to resurface and repeat. This would be a great time to back up your files, your external hard drives, and to take a quick inventory of anything that you may need to refill, replenish, or restore. (This includes us, you may find yourself needing a bit of extra rest at this time too.) I’m wishing you a gentle retrograde cycle and please know that I am here to support you if you feel guided to reach out for some support. xoxo

I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

A Time for Rest


I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing. We’ve made it to July which feels like such a huge marker and a perfect time to do a little house keeping.

One of the biggest themes that’s been showing up lately has been about creating and carving out time for genuine rest.

Maybe you’ve been getting this message too.

It’s been a pretty loud message for a while but seems to have increased exponentially lately. This message can show up in lots of different ways, usually showing up for us in the ways that resonate for us on an individual level. Maybe some or all of the messages below will resonate for you right now.

Maybe you feel like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends for so long you don’t know how long you’ve been needing a real and genuine rest.

Maybe you feel like most or many of your days are repeating over and over again and you’re marking them by the different clothes you’re wearing each day but for the most part you’re just getting up and getting it done and then going to sleep and doing it all again the next day.
(Trust me, you’re not alone in experiencing this, I’m feeling it and so many people I talk to are feeling it too.)

Maybe you’re just feeling like you need a break and want to have some fun and feel or see a different environment or place after so many months of staying home.

Maybe you’re feeling exhausted but can’t quite put your finger on why that might be because you’re getting the exact right number of hours of sleep per night, you drink the exact right amount of water, you’re doing all the things, and still feel a bit off.

Maybe you’re just feeling a bit burned out.
No matter how this experience or message is showing up for you, please know that you’re not alone and you’re not imagining this. This isn’t a message about needing to push harder or try to do more to move past the hurdles you’re experiencing as exhaustion.

You may be experiencing some residual stress and lethargy from managing all the things you’ve been dealing with for so long as we’ve all moved through this intense time and are still moving through it in different ways each day.

There’s an incremental experience that happens when moving through a prolonged intensity and eventually the body, soul, and mind get to a place where they all collectively say, I need some rest and relaxation.
If you’re finding yourself in this space right now, welcome; you’re in really good company.

This month is often a time when we think about relaxing, restoring, and rejuvenating as it’s often a time when people have more flexibility in their schedules and may even plan holidays and vacations.
Maybe this is traditionally a time that you look forward to getting away and letting go for a while.

Depending on where you live and what’s happening right now, you may or may not be able to plan to do something for a little get away. This in and of itself can lead to more feelings of overwhelm and frustration about another fun experience being postponed or adjusted.

However, no matter what your situation may be, the need for genuine rest is real.

It’s such a strong message right now, that people are finding that if they try to push past this, they are being given opportunities to experience forced rest. (This isn’t fun and often shows up as feeling under the weather.)

So, the theme right now is about finding ways to carve out time for genuine rest, and you can do that even if you’re participating in a staycation again this year.
Focus on the things that make you feel:

  • Happy

  • Joyful

  • Uplifted

  • Relaxed

  • At Ease

  • Rested

  • Comforted

  • Supported

  • Nurtured

  • And ___________________________________

Give yourself permission to lean into activities and situations that fulfill you from the inside out. When we invest in things we love, even in seemingly small doses, we bank energy, enthusiasm, life satisfaction, and we tend to feel more like ourselves too.

Doing things that resonate for us on a soul level helps us to experience more joy, happiness, and a better quality of life. These kinds of investments are worth while in so many ways. When we take time to do these things, even in little pockets throughout the day, we begin to refill our own well which allows us to experience more balance and more rest.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I feel like I need right now?

  • How can I create more joy for myself?

  • What would I love to do right now?

  • How can I make that happen?

  • Is there anything that I could be doing to make this month more fulfilling?

  • How can I increase genuine rest in my life right now?

This month, no matter what your schedule may be, please take some time each day to invest in laughter, fun, joy, and anything that resonates for your soul.
(Even if that means taking a nap and watching one of your favorite movies that you’ve seen over and over again.)

This message or theme is a powerful one that is supporting us in getting back into a place of balance or at least helping us to move closer to that place.

As you honor the messages that are showing up for you right now, you’ll find that you feel more like yourself and more at ease as we move forward together.

I’m sending you so much support as you continue to take really good care of yourself right now.

Please know that I’m here for you to offer you support in any ways that resonate for you whether through a Coaching Session, Intuitive Session, or an Energy Treatment.

I’m sending you a huge hug and so much love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

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Pink Full Moon Diffuser Blend

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The Full Moon Energy can lead to your body needing more self care, quiet respite, and down time. You may feel like you could use some more TLC and comfort as you move through this full moon shift.

This is one of my favorite diffuser blends for the full moon cycle, give it a try and see if it gives you some extra TLC and support.

Pink Full Moon Blend:
4 Drops Grapefruit
4 Drops Bergamot
4 Drops Cedarwood
5 Drops Frankincense

Add to your Essential Oil Diffuser and enjoy some extra support + all the bright and spicy aromas.

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Calming + Restorative Bath Treatment

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I'm a big bath person and this is one of my favorite ways to decompress and clear from the day. This treatment is very calming, restorative, and helps to soothe the nervous system. This bath will also support you in relaxing sore muscles, increase readiness for sleep, and feels very gentle. 

1 Cup Epsom Salt
1 Cup Sea Salt
1 Cup Pink Himalayan Salt
4-5 Large Sprigs of Lavender
3 Large Sprigs of Rosemary
1/4 cup of dried Chamomile Flowers or 3-5 bags of Chamomile tea
1/4 cup of dried Roses or petals from 2 Fresh Roses

Draw bath with hot water to your comfort level, test the heat before entering water.
Dissolve Salts while bath is filling
Add flowers and tea to the top of the water once bath is filled.
Soak in bath water for a minimum of 20 minutes and up to 40 to allow your body to absorb the salt, flowers, and herbs. 

After your bath, drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and try to rest for at least 30 minutes. This bath treatment is great before bed as it helps your body to rest, restore, and renew; and lavender helps to promote good sleep. 

Add On's:
Favorite Crystals (Nothing ending in "ite" like selenite; it will dissolve)
Gentle Music
Cup of Tea
Cucumber or Citrus Water
Cozy Bathrobe and Slippers

Love, Kristy~