Slow and Steady

Welcome to February,

I hope this finds you well as we officially greet the second month of the new year. While this month is the shortest month of the year it’s also a time of big shifts as it moves us from the final full month of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere into the quickening and the preview of the next season. One of my favorite things about this month is that we can choose to focus on the themes of the winter season while simultaneously enjoying signs of new life popping up around us all month long. You may find crocus and snow drop peeking out of the snow this month reminding you to keep going one step at a time. These tiny but mighty little flowers over winter and then work diligently to bloom this month often in the snow adding a little color and hope for all of us to keep going, reminding us that change is coming soon.

One of the strong themes that I’ve been hearing from people is that they feel a bit exhausted or that they’re having trouble keeping momentum. Maybe you’re experiencing this too; the feeling of one step forward one step back. Maybe you’re experiencing some big swings in your energy levels or even some issues with your sleeping schedule. If these themes are hitting home for you, you’re not alone. The beginning of this year has proven to be really intense and almost like riding a roller coaster ride that just keeps going. In addition to the new year shifts, we’re being guided to continue to focus on themes like self care, slowing down, rest, comfort, and gentility. Even though we’re experiencing longer days, we’re still overwintering which means we’re still needing extra care, comfort, and quiet. Sometimes, we need a little reset to help us get back to a space where we can truly rest and almost remember how to take good care of ourselves if we’ve experienced a great deal of stress. The good news is that seemingly small shifts really do lead to big change.

February is a wonderful month to invest in a reset and a conscious overwintering practice. As the teeniest month of the year, it feels like it’s more manageable somehow to focus on a practice that will support you this month and hopefully all year long. Sometimes, what we need personally for self care and respite looks similar to others in our lives, sometimes it doesn’t. Taking a little time today, even a few minutes to get clear about what you need will help you to better understand how to cultivate your overwintering practice this month. There’s no one way to do this, just the way that resonates for you. You may know right away without even skipping a beat what it is that you need, great, you’re on your way. You may feel there are a few things that you want to focus on to support yourself in getting back to a place where you feel like you; great, you’re on your way. Maybe you aren’t sure what you need but you know something needs to shift, great, you’re on your way. You get to decide what it is that you want to nurture and how to take good care of yourself this month; and whatever you decide will be the right choice.

Sometimes, setting aside 15 minutes a day to do something for yourself can make a huge impact in the way that you feel. When you think about taking care of someone, you can probably imagine one person receiving and another person or group offering support. When you’re focused on taking good care of yourself, sometimes you are the person taking care and receiving care at the same time. Every act of care is an investment in your overall energy stores and sense of peace and comfort. Maybe making and enjoying a cup of tea without scrolling or listening to the news or answering emails is one way you can truly take good care of yourself for a few minutes during the day. Maybe getting outside into sunshine for a walk or bundled up on your patio or porch for a little while will help to soothe and support you. Maybe making sleep a priority is what you’re being guided to focus on this month. Maybe you’re being guided to eat nourishing simple foods this month to support your system and keep yourself warm with soups and stews. Maybe you’re being guided to take good care of your nervous system right now by reducing or removing things that are overstimulating or overwhelming to the best of your ability and enjoying quiet or gentle sounds. Maybe you’re being guided to stay in the moment and enjoy the season that you’re in right now knowing that you’ll be in a new season soon. Maybe you’re being guided to cultivate your own personal recipe of overwintering this month that resonates just for you; perfect that is exactly what we’re all being guided to do. Investing in 1 thing per day even for the time it takes to make and enjoy a cup of tea is 100% supporting you in this important work of self care and building up your stores during the winter season.

One of the reasons you may feel like you need more rest or that you aren’t finding your energy to be consistent is that we’re still in a season of rest and refueling. Every time you have an opportunity to slow down or to take a moment for yourself, you’re investing in your energy stores. While we’re living in a time where we work pretty much around the clock, we still need to rest and on a deep level our soul and our bodies know that winter is a season of rest. You can invest in your rest while also getting the things on your to do list checked off. This month is the final full month of winter, give yourself permission to lean into all the things that make you think of winter. Choose to overwinter like the natural world around us. You and I are part of this cycle too, and sometimes we have to remind ourselves of this truth. When you think of winter and what winter means for you, you can find gems of what you’re personally being guided to focus on this month.

So, this month, during the shortest month of the whole year, maybe you can choose to invest in something each day that supports and uplifts you even if only for a seemingly small amount of time. I promise you that you’re worth it and that it will add up to big change. Just focus on one thing at a time and go at your own pace. Slow and steady is a beautiful theme for this month and for this reset that we’re all being guided to experience together. If you would like to work with me this month to gain some clarity about how you can personally make the most of this theme, I would love to support you. If there’s something else you would like to focus on, I would love to support you in any way that I can.

I’m wishing you a slow and gentle February, filled with kind people and things that rise up to greet you and comfort you. As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!

With love and gratitude,

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January: A Gentle Reset and Time For...

Hello and Happy New Year!
I hope this finds you well as we officially move into a new year and a brand new energy for 2025. I hope you and yours had a restful holiday season and that your new year is off to a good start.

One of the big themes that shows up for this time of year is a message about getting going and moving full speed ahead. I’m sure you’re already being inundated with these messages in emails, commercials, and other ad spaces. While a new year is a wonderful marker for a new beginning and a fresh start there’s also this additional energy happening right now that you’re probably experiencing too which is called holiday let down. (In the Northern Hemisphere we’re also experiencing the beginning of the Winter season as well which is all about rest and healing.) This combination of energies and themes can create a bit of a wobble in the way we feel. If you’re feeling a bit of this wobble or a mix of energies, you’re not alone. If you find yourself excited about the new energy for 2025 but your body wants to take it easy and you’re still decompressing from holiday stress, there’s no need to feel guilty or like something isn’t lining up for you. In fact, you’re right where you’re meant to be and you’re completely connected to the energies that are happening right now. It’s a bit of a mixed bag which is okay and actually it’s more than okay. You can capitalize on this mixed bag by leaning into how you’re feeling from day to day or even hour to hour to maximize your success right now. Yes, maximize your success.

January is a wonderful time for reflection and gaining insight into what you may want to focus on this year. It’s also a time where your body is letting you know what it needs too. Sometimes, we can get focused on one thing over another and then it can get things out of balance or lead to burn out. However, this is a time where all these systems are very prescient allowing you to have a clear understanding of how to prioritize your physical well being while also honoring the things you would like to experience, release, complete, create, grow, or continue to nurture during 2025. This experience can support you in gently moving into this new year while also finding your natural rhythm at the same time. As you move (to the best of your ability) at the rate that’s right for you, you’ll more naturally know or gain clarity about what you’re being guided to focus upon this year. There’s no need to push or to rush, as you already know what you’re being guided to do. Allowing yourself to move at your own pace, you’ll find that you’re ready to go again…when you’re ready to go again.
(I know, but it's true.) This is where the blessing of leaning into the way you’re feeling at any particular time can really support you in the present while also helping to plant seeds and even action steps that will yield results throughout the year. There’s no right way to do this, there’s only the ways that are right for you right now. You may feel guided to journal or make a list. Maybe you will want to look over the things you accomplished last year to help you gain confidence and clarity about this year. Maybe you will feel guided to do some meditation around these issues or reach out for some support. Maybe you’re going to tune into how you’re feeling and make choices based on what you’re experiencing right now. Maybe you will find that a combination of these tools will work for you…or something else completely. It’s not about what you do it’s about doing something that works for you.

Maybe you can think of this time as an opportunity for a gentle reintegration into your new year. A gentle reset and an opportunity to really connect with what you want and even need at this time. After a season of festivities and goings on, maybe one of the things that you need is quiet, gentle, respite. Cozy socks, warm mugs with tea, quiet mornings or evenings where you can spend a few moments just letting yourself be. January gives us this gift; it’s almost baked right in as a time for reflection and rest. Often, we pass it by for one reason or another. Maybe, this year you can allow yourself to receive this gift and its blessings even if it’s only for a few minutes here and there throughout your day. Remember that every little bit of self care adds up to big change over time. Taking a few moments here and there to honor yourself is a worthy investment and will make a positive impact on how you feel and will support you in many ways going forward. As you give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself this month, you’ll find that you’re ready to move forward in a way that’s right for you, at the time that’s right for you too.

I’m wishing you a gentle and supportive January and a beautiful new year. I look forward to working with you and supporting you throughout this new year. Thank you so much for being here, I’m so grateful to be able to connect with you. I know that you’re very busy and it means a lot to me that you take time out of your very busy schedule to connect with me and share your life with me.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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The Magic of February: Tapping Into the Quickening

Happy February!
I hope this finds you well as we move into the shortest month of the year.
While it may be the smallest month, it brings with it new energies and one of my favorite things of the year, the quickening. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you may notice that little signs of the quickening begin showing up around you here and there. The quickening is that quiet burst of energy that begins to push through the soil, plants, and even us.

You may notice that you start to have an increased energy, enthusiasm, a burst of creativity, or desire to move forward on some new projects or goals that have been on your mind or on your list. Just like the crocus, hyacinth, and orchards start to make their presence known; you may find that you have a renewed sense of zeal for the new things blooming in your life.

While we’re still in the midst of winter, there’s a feeling that things are slowly but surely picking up speed as we gently move toward a new season. You may feel this push pull within you this month too; one day you may feel guided to go slow and the next day you may feel a pull toward taking action. This ebb and flow is one of the things that I love about this month because we’re in that in between space that allows us to tune into our natural rhythms while we prepare for the new season.

If you’ve been experiencing a slow start to some of your new year things, that’s okay. In fact, this is a powerful time to review some of the things on your list and reassess how they feel for you and it’s a great time to add, subtract, or adjust accordingly. Remember, you get to decide if something is a priority or if it’s being set to the side for whatever reason.

This is also a good time to invest a little time in self care, especially if you’re wanting to increase or reintegrate self care into your routine. There are 28 days in February this year which means that if you choose to focus on doing something for yourself each day this month, it will be a healthy habit that you can more easily honor all year long. Research shows that it takes 21 days to create a new healthy habit, so by the end of the month, it will feel natural for you to continue your practice.

Sometimes when people hear the term self care it can create a little sense of pressure or feel like it’s one more thing to add to your daily list of tasks. However, it doesn’t have to be something that takes a lot of time in your day and there’s no one way or right way to cultivate a self care practice. Your way may look like someone else’s or it may be something that is uniquely yours. The only thing that really matters is that it’s an action that is supportive for you.

Here's a few simple and quick practices that can help you get an idea of some things that resonate for you.

  • Morning Mantra or Focus for the Day

  • 5 Minute Morning Meditation

  • Filling your Diffuser

  • Listening to or Playing Music

  • Journaling

  • Coloring

  • Reading for Pleasure

  • Going for a Walk

  • Drinking Water (maybe with lemon, or mint)

  • Saying yes to an activity that feels uplifting or supportive to you

  • Saying no to things, people, or activities which feel heavy or draining to you

  • Affirmations

  • Going to Sleep Early

  • Asking for Help if You Need Help

  • Baking Some Cookies

  • Making Your Favorite Meal

  • Learning Something New

  • Planting Some Flowers or Herbs

  • Clearing Out a Closet, Pantry, or Dresser

  • Starting a New Project or Working on an Existing Project

  • ______________________________

These are just a few ideas to help you get started on cultivating self care in your own daily life this month. You can choose something that takes only a few minutes or something that takes a bit more time. Sometimes, I think we forget that drinking water, remembering to breathe, and taking down time are very important parts of taking good care of ourselves; and they definitely count as self care. Just like adding money into a piggy bank, it adds up quickly and you are 100% worth the investment.

As you begin your new month, I invite you to tune into your own rhythms each day and connect with this energy of the ebb and flow that’s happening right now. It’s such a magical time of the year and it goes by quickly which adds to the whimsical quality of February. I hope your month is filled with forward motion while also being balanced with things, people, and activities which feel soothing, supportive, and honor your self care.

I’d love to hear how you’re moving through the quickening and the ways that you’re taking good care of yourself this month. I’m planning on doing a little bit of garden preparations, baking, and some winter canning too.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you.
With Love and Gratitude,

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The Season of Light

Happy December~

I hope this finds you well as we welcome the season of light together.
This time of year brings with it lots of extra light; some in the form of teeny lights, fairy lights, lights on homes, in trees, and even in windows. Maybe you’ve already added extra light to your home too. There’s something special and almost magical that happens when you add light to extra spaces in your home. Those little extra lights help to stir something within in us on a soul level. Maybe you’ve noticed this happening for you too; the feeling of deep calm, comfort, quiet, and sometimes a welling up of love and fond memories. Maybe you’ve noticed how these extra lights have a soothing effect on the people in your home and if you have little fur babies, how they’re impacted by the extra light as well.  

Often the light in combination with longer nights and darker days (for those of us living in the northern hemisphere) can create windows of opportunity for deep reflection, slowing down, and a focus on simplicity, and peace. There’s a calling from deep within us asking us to get quiet and to focus on the things that resonate with us on a core level as we prepare to move into a season of rest, renewal, and rejuvenation. While living in a modern world where the cyclical shifts of the seasons can feel like they’re happening next to us while we’re often living in a perpetual forward motion can be challenging. However, we can find ways to work with this push pull dichotomy so that we can integrate these experiences into our own lives in ways that work for us. We’re part of those cycles too and as we find ways to lean into them, we can find a place that feels more like us and feels more enjoyable.

Like most things, there’s no one way or right way to create this experience, there are only the ways that are right for you and your lifestyle; and you’re the only person who knows which ways are the right ways for you. If we think about lighting our lamp from within, we can focus on the aspects, areas, themes, or values that feel soothing, comforting, and like coming home as great places to start. Please remember that there’s no wrong answer here, and you can change your answers by adding to your list or removing things at any time you choose.

You may want to ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

  • What do I know that I need to do for myself right now?

  • What is my body telling me that I need right now?

  • How can I nurture my soul right now?

  • In what ways can I create a space that feels supportive, soothing, and peaceful to me right now?

  • What kinds of sounds, scents, and textures feel like the right fit for me right now?

  • How can I cultivate a feeling that represents me right now?

  • Are there any things I can let go from my to do list right now? If so, what?

  • How can I lean into this season of light right now?

  • What does the season of light mean to me?

  • How can I light my lamp from within right now?

  • Is there a theme I want to focus on for this season of light? If so, what?

Some of the things that showed up for you may be things that you expected to find while others may be a surprise for you. Please know this isn’t another thing to add to your to do list but rather an opportunity to understand which areas or aspects of this season are speaking to you. The areas that are prescient for you may be similar to someone else’s but they may be entirely tailored for you. Give yourself permission to lean into your season of light in the ways that resonate for you. This can help to create a season that feels uplifting, supportive, and meaningful for you in a special way. It can also help you to slow down a bit and to feel the experience of the season, the cycles, and the celebratory qualities of this time of year.

This season can bring up lots of big feelings, emotions, and experiences. Sometimes, by taking a little time to cultivate and nurture your own light, it can help ease any big feelings that come up at this time of year. As the days grow darker and the nights longer, we’re given an opportunity to increase our own light and the light we have around us. My wish for you this season is that you allow your light to shine in full spectrum not only for the benefit of your loved ones but also for yourself. Feed your light with the love you have for your life. Fill your light with the things, people, situations, and activities that you love. You may want to add some intentions you have for yourself as well as you continue to light your lamp from within all season long.

In deepest gratitude and love, thank you so much for being here and being part of my life this year.
I’m holding you and yours in my thoughts this season. The light within me honors the lights within you.

I’m sending you all my love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

Kristy~ xoxo

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